Wednesday 4 September 2013

To myself if anyone

It has recently occurred to me that as dull as I might claim that my daily life is, in reality it is a fairly interesting one. Not any more interesting than anyone else's. I've achieved nothing that extraordinary and have accomplished no great feats. I can't say I have that much life experience, but my life, still is, very interesting. That is to say, its all a matter of perspective.
 I have entered the last year of sixth form, that is to say that I will soon, in a mere three hundred and sixty five days, be expelled and exiled into the wide world, never again to experience the wonderful moratorium of daily school life. Thus I have decided to write. I want to record every remotely amusing/interesting/note worthy incident so that I might not be trapped in the illusion that my school days were dull and uneventful once i graduate from it to look back upon these days.
 I lived a good fruitful adolescence... though even as i write this i am receiving a bollocking from my mother. god i wish she would disappear. this seems like the sort of sentence i will later regret when she does actually die in an accident or something but regret is something to do when something bad happens and the only bad thing happening now is my mother shouting at me accompanied by an irritating metronome wagging of her index finger.
 so in conclusion. dear future me. i hope you're enjoying living alone.